Friday, September 9, 2011

Multidisciplinary Collaboration

is really difficult.

I love collaboration with other art students, because we all think the same way. But if you throw some Engineering and Architecture students in the mix, things get hairy. It isn't that we can't get along, and it certainly is not impossible. It's just that we don't understand each other's process for undergoing the same task. We all think our way is the best way, I am certainly guilty here.

The point is not to prove that you are right and they are wrong, or be convinced that they are right, the point is finding the happy medium. I seem to remember getting an email prior to the first day of class saying explicitly to "leave your ego at the door" this is IMPORTANT, I take that to heart, I'm not afraid to admit when I don't know something. But everyone in the room deserves respect, and respect is different than allowing everyone to speak.

This is not a cry of anger, this is not complaining, this is me saying exactly what I see from my perspective. I think things will improve, upon the second meeting with my group I felt everyone had cooled their jets a little, including me.

Maybe this is because our super cool professors were not watching us, you know, "no pressure" right? We were able to reach a consensus that everyone seemed happy with and set tasks for people in the group to work on until we could meet again. After all, when you put this much time into something, with six people with six schedules you have to figure out assignments.

We did not totally scrap our first hodgepodge idea from day one, we decided to push it. Given the three words Annually, Heat, and Sliding we are, as a group, to design a smart surface.

I think we will do just fine and dandy (with a little elbow grease), here we go!

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